Papers of William E. Guckert, 1930-1977.


Papers of William E. Guckert, 1930-1977.

This collection contains the papers of William E. Guckert for the years 1930-1977. The concentration of papers from 1930-1950 deal with Guckert as secretary of the Allegheny County Sportsmen's League (ACSL). These records consist of meeting minutes, financial reports, constitution by-laws, membership, and correspondence. Since Guckert was secretary of the ACSL, the correspondence section is the most prolific. Guckert's Papers cover the State Land Reclamation Board period of 1963-1967. These records document how the ACSL helped push conservation legislation through lobbyist groups such as; the Allegheny Solid Waste Advisory Committee, the Pa. Sanitary Water Board, and the State Land Reclamation Board. Most of the SLRB's efforts can be seen in the reports and subject files on conservation. Guckert was Director of the State Bureau of Surface Mine Reclamation (SBSMR) from 1967 to 1977. It is evident that Guckert transferred many of his SLRB files to the SBSMR when Director. These records include legislation on land conservation, clean streams, strip-mines, and acid mine drainage. The last group of records consist of Guckert's research, news article clippings, and various large maps, that span 1967 to 1977. The files are ordered alphabetically by subject headings.

7 cubic ft. (7 boxes)


SNAC Resource ID: 7352145

University of Pittsburgh

Related Entities

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National Rifle Association of America (corporateBody)

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Pennsylvania. State Bureau of Surface Mine Reclamation. (corporateBody)

Pennsylvania Game Commission (corporateBody)

Allegheny County Sportsmen's League (Pa.) (corporateBody)

Pennsylvania. State Land Reclamation Board. (corporateBody)

American Wildlife Institute (corporateBody)

Pennsylvania. Sanitary Water Board (corporateBody)

Guckert, William E., 1908-1986. (person)

William E. Guckert, 1908-1986, an early conservationist, established laws pertaining to strip mines and mine drainage in Pennsylvania. Guckert began his conservationist career as secretary of the Allegheny County Sportsmen's League (ACSL). The ACSL was active in protecting, preserving, and conserving the natural resources of Pennsylvania and the nation. As secretary, Guckert helped lead the organization by calling attention to pollution, notably strip-mines. In 1963, Guckert was selected to serv...